Folly of the first magnitude

Random quote by one Archibald Alexander that I found noteworthy:
It is evident, therefore, that he who trifles with the truth, trifles with his own life. To be indifferent about truth, is a folly of the first magnitude. To be governed by mere inclination, taste or fashion, in the adoption of our religious opinions, is indicative of a diseased and dangerous state of mind. Truth is so vital and so necessary to the existence and perfection of a pious character, that we cannot be too solicitous to acquire correct knowledge. Pride, prejudice, and partiality, should be laid aside, and the love of truth should be kept alive in our souls. Mere intellectual vigour, and extensive erudition, are no effectual security against error. Honesty and deep humility are essential prerequisites to the successful pursuit of truth.
Archibald Alexander, as quoted in Princeton and the Christian Ministry (p 159)
Alexander then goes on to express how the Spirit leaves an imprint on those he seals, commending the study of Scripture to the reader and encouraging more than lip service to the faith of Christ. While the language is a bit old fashioned, the sentiment is worthy of care and concern in our present day and age. Far too many think for too little of the importance of doctrine to the practice of holiness. By abandoning study as an impediment to the practice of Christian virtue, one leaves oneself in a dire place. In any case, reading continues.