• Food,  News

    Dessert for New Year’s Eve

    Went to the grocery store, buying potatoes and sparkling grape juice to round out beef stew and New Year’s Eve festivities, respectively, and saw pears. That means… Poached Pears. The possibilities are maybe not endless, but certainly numerous. I went for a cinnamon, clove and vermouth poach this time. This I topped with an orange whip cream.

  • News

    Shark Teeth

    Yesterday, I mentioned that I didn’t have a picture of the shark teeth we collected. Here, I wish to remedy that. Also, I am told to inform you, noble reader, that my wife is an excellent finder of said teeth. In all reality, she is indeed an excellent finder of said teeth.

  • News

    Englewood, FL

    I tried to make a certain change to the site itself last week, and ended up killing reading of posts and pages altogether. Thus ensued a painful process of restoring the expected functionality. Now completed, I thought I’d share some photos from a sunset beach excursion from last week. Enjoy! And Sean had a little bit of fun that I was able to capture. Listen to the soft crash of the waves. So peaceful.

  • Language,  News,  Software

    Christmas 2018

    Merry Christmas! Well, this will be the first post at my new home, wordsandbottles.com. I used to blog on WordPress, at sphodra.wordpress.com, but it has been a while. I’ve been wanting to get some windows hosting space where I could play with code and, well, do all kinds of fun things. I wanted the ability to blog in a space that would be completely flexible – only limited by my time and energy. So, here I am. I got webspace (thanks WinHost) for Christmas and am enjoying setting up this site. So, what’s been going on with me? During the holiday break so far, I’ve worked on a couple puzzles…