Physical Sciences

  • Biblical Studies,  Books,  Language,  Mathematics,  News,  Physical Sciences

    Books and more books

    Surprising, no? I recently started Complex Analysis from the Graduate Texts in Mathematics series. Working through some remedial lessons on complex numbers right now, though I am sure I will be under water before long! I really would like to get the matching volume, Problems and Solutions for Complex Analysis. Maybe someone wants to get me a gift? Complex Analysis was borrowed from the local university library, as was another volume I haven’t started, Mathematical Physics by Kusse and Westwig. Both are the results of struggling through Penrose’s Road to Reality. Enjoying immensely, but I have some math to “catch up” on. Additionally, I got a new book in the…

  • Books,  Language,  News,  Physical Sciences

    Used Books Day

    Friday, my wife had to be dropped off in Easley. I decided to go the extra distance and make a run to Mr. K’s Used Books. Supporting such a trek was the fact that my wife had set aside a box of books to trade in, while cleaning out her office. Turns out that most of the books were not accepted as trade-in. But, with the little bit I had made, I was able to pick out a couple interesting items: Introduction to the Theory of Relativity by Peter Gabriel Bergmann Der Spieler und andere Romane (Dostoyevski, in German!) Medieval and Modern Greek by Robert Browning (ooooooh) And the opportunity…