Books,  Language,  News,  Physical Sciences

Used Books Day

Friday, my wife had to be dropped off in Easley. I decided to go the extra distance and make a run to Mr. K’s Used Books. Supporting such a trek was the fact that my wife had set aside a box of books to trade in, while cleaning out her office.

Turns out that most of the books were not accepted as trade-in. But, with the little bit I had made, I was able to pick out a couple interesting items:

And the opportunity to review the leftovers scored me a textbook on genetics that my wife no longer cared to keep. Score!

Well, I decided I would run the remainder to the local Salvation Army store, along with some clothes and kid-size puzzles in the back of the car. Turns out that often enough I can make some pretty good discoveries. This time I came away with a copy of Robert Schalkoff’s Artificial Intelligence: An Engineering Approach.

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