• Books,  Theology

    No destroying angel can touch us

    Our residency has been reading The Pastor in Prayer this month, and it has been a powerful book so far. What great prayers, what firm conviction! What a heart for the church, for the nations, for the lost! Such high praise is well warranted. This afternoon’s prayer, from “Intercession for the Saints,” stood out especially to me. Here is but a taste: …our Father, we would earnestly ask that every believer here may feel the power of the sprinkled blood most vividly and consciously. May we hear Jesus say by it, ‘Ye are clean, clean every whit’; and may we have a sense of entire security, because Thou hast Thyself…

  • Books,  Theology

    Though Surrounded with Outside Enjoyments

    As we pass Christmas and march forward to the new year, this passage from my assigned reading this week stood out to me: We should not rest in the world and its enjoyments, but should desire heaven. We should above all things desire a heavenly happiness: to be with God and be well with Jesus Christ. Though surrounded with outward enjoyments, and settled in families with desirable friends and relationships; though we have companions whose company is delightful and children in whom we see many promising characteristics; though we live by good neighbors and are generally loved when we are known; yet, we should not take our rest in these…