Leaving Rome
So, the time to leave Rome and head to Umbria had arrived. Or rather, had nearly arrived. Taking the last hour, Kim and I stopped at a small cafe and each had a cappuccino. Kim got a biscotto to go with hers, and some zucchero as well. I took mine straight.
We left, and headed towards the church whose front courtyard hosted most of the outdoor seating for the restaurant Popi Popi, where we ate dinner on our anniversary, first night in Rome. But before getting there, I suggested to instead head to nearby (an extra block or so) Basilica di S. Maria in Trastevere. This church had come highly regarded by the owner of the guest house we were staying at, Kiara (Chiara?).
And glad we did take the extra time, as the inside was lovely.
But, finally time to leave Rome. We headed to the train station, where I found what I was looking for in Rome, a rather thick copy of Il Signore degli Anelli. Obviously, this makes me very happy. This Italian translation of The Lord of the Rings comes complete with color illustrations and exploded renditions of the Middle Earth scripts.

The book store in Roma Termini is three floors, and I had but a few minutes to find it. I did not even get to browse the language section of the store. Maybe another opportunity will present itself in Venice.
And with that, we bid farewell to Rome, and found ourselves soon at La Casella. Now we pause and rest a bit.