• Social Sciences

    Mises Institute

    I was introduced to mises.org last night. It looks to be an interesting site, with tons of information. The subject matter is the Austrian School of Economics. Can’t believe I wasn’t already aware of this site’s existence. Okay, I can. But I was still a bit surprised. They have a wonderful collection of books in many formats (purchase, pdf, epub, etc), and a ton are good if you are on a budget (they are free). For language learners, there is quite a bit of non-English material here, too. I grabbed a couple books in German, but also saw some in Spanish.

  • Books,  News

    Library Outing

    After reviewing my local university’s library website, I found that at least one of the books I earlier posted about was available. Helpfully, I am an alumnus, and so can borrow books pretty easily. Thirty minute trip later – parking is a pain, though traffic is light right now – I had Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication in hand. Unfortunately, it is a much older edition (1979). Turns out even the edition cited in L&BE (6th, 2010) has been superceded. The size difference is immense, also, with the edition I borrowed having 357 pages, and that of the latest (7th, 2017) edition being 608 pages. At a whopping…

  • Biblical Studies,  Books,  Language

    Linguistics & Biblical Exegesis: Suggested Reading

    I started Linguistics & Biblical Exegesis yesterday. And right off the bat, I am enjoying it. In the first chapter, Wendy Widder offers a lovely introduction to the idea of linguistically informed Biblical study, and the topics the book specifically will address. Capping it is a list of resources with explanation. As much for myself as any other, here are her suggestions (from pp. 11-12): I’m particularly interested in the Silva entry… (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.)

  • Food

    Hunter’s Schnitzel

    Tonight was a night for a low-tech meal. And World Market has provided the answer. Es hat sehr gut geschmeckt! Really tasty. Not everything I have picked up to try from World Market has had the same success with the family. But even the kid who plugs his nose at mushrooms (and potatoes!) said that the sauce was delicious. He of course avoided every mushroom he could, but still. And it prompted an interesting discussion on cultural overlap between Italian and German cuisines, and the spelling of potato dumplings in various language. What’s not to love?

  • Books,  Social Sciences

    Quotable Common Sense

    This is the first of the quotes I intend to share after having completed Common Sense: Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer. Government, like dress, is the badge of lost innocence… Common Sense (AmazonClassics Edition, p.3) – Thomas Paine He is articulate, if not quite pithy, here. Government, and the resultant loss…

  • Biblical Studies,  Books,  Cognition,  News

    Books in the Mail

    Last November, Mike Aubrey over at Koine-Greek.com posted about a fairly glowing review of Linguistics & Biblical Exegesis. I’ve always found Aubrey to be a good writer, and an excellent thinker, even if my knowledge of him is limited to blogs about grammar, Greek linguistics and mead-making. Christmas Eve I ordered it, and received it today when I got my saved mail. I’m incredibly excited to get into it! I may have picked up another book on linguistics, Linguistics and the Formal Sciences, at the same time. Looks to be more of a “how we got here”. But I’m okay with that, really. (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Help a…